Scientific Council of the Institute of Environmental Engineering and Building Installations
- PhD, DSc, Eng Robert Artur Cichowicz, University Professor - Chairman,
- Prof. PhD, DSc, Eng Henryk G. Sabiniak,
- Prof. PhD, DSc, Eng Ewa Liwarska-Bizukojć,
- PhD, DSc, Eng Katarzyna Klemm, University Professor,
- PhD, DSc, Eng Ewa Klima, University Professor,
- PhD, DSc, Eng Agnieszka Brzezińska, University Professor,
- PhD, DSc, Eng Grażyna Sakson - Sysiak, University Professor,
- PhD, Dorota Gryglik.
Promotional film: "Environmental Engineering in Construction" - new name of the field of study
The following scientific departments operate within the Institute:
Department of Heating, Ventilation and Air Protection Technology
Head of Department: PhD, DSc, Eng Eng. Robert Artur Cichowicz, professor of the university
The Department is involved in scientific and research work related to ventilation, air conditioning, heating and heating networks, as well as air protection, including the analysis of atmospheric/outdoor and indoor air quality in rooms where ventilation and air conditioning systems operate.
The Department prepares opinions, expert opinions and rulings, as well as research related to heating technology and new technologies used in it and on obtaining energy from renewable energy sources. Research is conducted on energy recovery and its storage, as well as on the settlement of its consumption, and it also conducts very extensive and intensive research related to techniques for the protection of the atmosphere and analysis of air quality and new technologies used in them. Additionally, research is also conducted for the benefit of the industry on drives and mechanical structures.
The subject of the Department's research is:
- stresses in compensators of elongation of pipelines transporting fluids with variable temperature;
- cooperation of plastics with concrete in thermally variable conditions;
- air humidity in swimming pool halls;
- air protection, including issues related to emission and immission of pollutants;
- environmental monitoring;
- thermal energy;
- renewable energy sources (RES);
- construction management;
- installations in low-energy buildings;
- computer design methods in heating and ventilation systems;
- load and stress distributions in worm gears.
Research projects underway:
- since 2018, a research project has been underway (planned completion by the end of 2020) financed in approx. 80% by the Provincial Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Łódź and in approx. 20% by the Institute of Environmental Engineering and Building Installations of the Łódź University of Technology, entitled: "Spatial analysis of changes in the state of air pollution in the Łódź agglomeration".
Department of Sanitary Technology and Water Protection
Head of Department: Dr. Hab. Eng. Grażyna Sakson-Sysiak, professor of the university
The Department's activities include issues related to shaping the water cycle in urban areas. In particular, the Department's research focuses on:
- developing principles for the construction of urban drainage systems in accordance with the idea of sustainable development, principles for the optimal shaping of urban development in order to create a favorable microclimate and landscape and to limit the negative effects of climate change, research on the reconstruction of urban water resources,
- development of municipal sewage treatment and sludge management technologies,
- integrated computer modeling of sewage disposal and disposal systems,
- developing principles for monitoring urban drainage systems with particular emphasis on storm and combined sewage systems,
- developing the foundations for the optimal modernization of existing urban drainage systems, including sewage treatment, in order to ensure the purity of receiving waters, both within urban agglomerations and outside them.
Completed research projects:
Project: "Innovative measures and effective methods for improving the safety and durability of buildings and transport infrastructure in the sustainable development strategy"; Funding agreement POIG.01.01.02-10-106/09-01
Consortium member name: Lodz University of Technology
Thematic Package number and name (PT 8): Environmental protection and use in the sustainable development strategy
Research topic number and name: T.8.1. Reducing emissions of pollutants from urban areas to the environment
Research topic manager: dr hab. inż. Marek Zawilski, prof. PŁ
As part of the Project implementation, the following studies were carried out in 2010-2014:
- Monitoring of storm overflows.
- Analysis of the temporal and spatial distribution of precipitation.
- Application of the UH method to forecast the load of the sewage system.
- Studies of sewage and pollutant flow from the storm sewer catchment area, including the efficiency of the storm settling tank (OWD).
- Analysis of the content of oil-derived pollutants in storm sewerage from an urbanized area.
- Toxicity of storm runoff of various origins.
- Assessment of the efficiency of local retention and infiltration devices in order to develop guidelines for their use
- Determination of optimal methods for modernizing sewage systems in terms of pollutant emissions into the environment.
Research project: Assessment of pollutant emissions from storm overflows of combined sewers in the aspect of the need for its modernization and changes in legal regulations (NN523 554538) - project manager: dr hab. inż. Marek Zawilski, prof. PŁ
Promoter research project: Analysis of the possibility of receiving storm sewage by municipal sewage treatment plants on the example of the Group Sewage Treatment Plant of the Łódź Urban Agglomeration. No. 3T09D 002 26 project manager - dr hab. inż. Marek Zawilski, dr eng. Agnieszka Brzezińska
Research project: Reducing the intensity of storm water runoff from urbanized areas using intensified retention (KBN Grant) - project manager: dr hab. inż. Marek Zawilski, prof. PŁ
Cooperation with external entities:
- Group Sewage Treatment Plant in Łódź,
- Łódź Infrastructure Company,
- Water and Sewage Company in Łódź,
- Municipal Department of the City of Łódź Office.
The Department's activities focus on two key issues for environmental engineering, namely sewage treatment and waste management. In addition, an important part of scientific activity is the assessment of chemical substances in terms of their susceptibility to biochemical decomposition and impact on living organisms. The Department conducts extensive research of both an application and basic nature. The Department's employees have extensive experience in preparing opinions, expert opinions and reports in the field of environmental engineering and protection, as well as in conducting basic research and analyzing environmental samples. The Department has laboratories for conducting qualitative analysis of water, sewage and waste, which allows for the assessment of the functioning of water treatment plants, sewage treatment plants and facilities related to waste management (including landfills, composting plants, biogas plants). In the analytical area, it is worth emphasizing the possibility of determining the concentrations of heavy metals in solid and liquid samples using the method of atomic absorption spectrometry with flame atomization - FAAS and electrochemical atomization ETAAS. The Department also has specialist computer software for simulating sewage treatment and assessing the morphology and composition of microbiological aggregates (e.g. activated sludge flocs).
The Department's main research areas:
- modeling, simulation and design of both municipal and industrial sewage treatment plants,
- biological treatment of municipal and industrial sewage, in particular the kinetics of bioprocesses and determining the parameters of activated sludge models,
- the impact of chemical substances on activated sludge, including, among others, the biochemical activity of microorganisms and the morphology and composition of activated sludge flocs,
- analysis of the transformation and removal pathways of chemical substances in the natural environment aimed at minimizing waste streams, especially hazardous waste,
- assessment of the physicochemical and biochemical properties of waste in terms of their management,
- conceptual analysis, design and modernization of waste composting plants and biogas plants.
Major research projects co-implemented by the Department:
- 2000 to 2003 - KBN research project "Use of chrome-free waste from leather processing for fertilizer and reclamation purposes" no. 5 PO6H 00319,
- 2006 to 2009 - MNiSW research and development project "Study of organizational and technical conditions for creating symbiotic relationships in industrial parks in Poland. Designing eco-industrial parks” No. R11 019 02,
- 2009 to 2012 - MNiSW research project “Implementation of the description of stoichiometry and kinetics of biochemical processes for modeling sewage treatment” No. N N209 102637,
- 2011 to 2015 - NCBiR development project “Development of automated procedures for monitoring activated sludge in sewage treatment plants” No. N R14 0004 10.
Cooperation with external institutions:
- municipal and industrial sewage treatment plants, including GOŚ in Łódź, “Wodociągi i Kanalizacja – Zgierz” Sp. z o.o.,
- Ghent University of Technology, Department of Sustainable Organic Chemistry and Technology,
- Technical University of Berlin, Department of Process Engineering.
Department of Spatial Management and Geomatics
Promotional videos: 9, 10
Head of Department: Dr. Hab. Katarzyna Klemm, University Professor
The main research directions of the Spatial Economy and Geomatics Department are: marine and navigational hydrography, building metrology in the scope of optimizing measurement methods, methodology of cartographic studies related to the protection of the human environment in the conditions of the Łódź Urban Agglomeration, methodology of measuring deformation of structural elements of buildings in the aspect of diagnostic needs, assessment of the scope and content of international ISO standards in the scope of modular coordination, tolerance and measurements in construction introduced to Polish standardization by PKN, practical issues of descriptive perspective with an emphasis on the issues of reflections, restoration and illusion.
The Department is divided into 3 groups:
- Engineering Geometry,
- Geodesy and Cartography,
- Spatial Economy.
The Department conducts scientific research in the following areas:
- Theoretical foundations of geometric shaping of building structures,
- Geodetic methods in the investment process,
- Thematic cartography in environmental engineering,
- Descriptive geometry in engineering applications.
Research topics related to spatial management:
Revitalization of housing estates (social, environmental, spatial, construction aspects). Topic conducted as part of faculty cooperation with the Faculty of Architecture of the Budapest University of Technology. Currently, engineering works are being carried out within the Spatial Management field on the quality of life and sustainable development of housing estates.
Space of the elderly - research on the quality of life of the ageing society of Łódź, covering both environmental, social and spatial issues. Cooperation with the Institute of Architecture.
Creating safe spaces, implementing the CPTED methodology (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design), research and teaching activities, cooperation with local governments associated in the Cittaslow association, cooperation with the FESTPOLIS group. Contemporary cultural landscape – the main research trend concerns religious space and its contemporary transformations, research undertaken in cooperation with numerous centres in Poland (Gdańsk, Lublin, Kraków) and abroad (Zadar, Prague, Heidelberg).
Environmental aspects of sustainable development in urban spatial planning. Development of a methodology for assessing the impact of selected development structures on aerodynamic and thermal conditions, establishing relationships between the type of development and microclimate conditions, and developing cartographic methods based on GIS in the form of urban climate maps for selected areas of Łódź.
Adaptation to climate change in urban areas. Development of planning recommendations for sensitive areas.
City ventilation system. Determining the possibilities of designating new ventilation corridors based on detailed analyses of development using GIS, tunnel or simulation studies.