Institute of Environmental Engineering and Building Installations
It has among its ranks Certified Experts and Employees with authorizations and the necessary knowledge to design, implement and operate networks and installations: heating, water supply, sewage, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, gas and water, sewage and air purification systems, as well as waste management installations and facilities.
The Institute specializes in non-standard construction and technological solutions and offers assistance, services and consulting as well as measurements and analyses in the scope of:
Ventilation and air conditioning installations, including:
- development of technical projects,
- decisions on the technical condition of devices,
- control measurements of the effectiveness of operation and noise level together with recommendations and adjustments,
- supervision of repairs,
- development of operating and maintenance instructions,
- technical advice.
Air protection installations and devices, including:
- measurements, monitoring and calculations of the distribution of dust and gas pollution concentrations in the area of pollution sources,
- selection of devices and designs of dust removal installations,
- measurements of pollutant emissions and the effectiveness of dust removal devices,
- measurements at work stations,
- decisions on the technical condition of devices and installations.
Heating installations and devices, including:
- expert opinions and tests of central heating, domestic hot water and other installations,
- design and automation of heating substations.
Sewage disposal and disposal systems, including:
- assessment of the functioning of city drainage systems using digital models,
- concepts for the modernization of sewage systems,
- concepts for the management of rainwater in urbanized areas (conventional systems, devices for local retention and infiltration, economic use of rainwater, etc.),
- research and analysis on reducing the emission of pollutants to the aquatic environment.
Drive transmission, including:
- design and supervision of the execution of all types of gear transmissions (in particular worm), chain, belt, etc.,
- design and supervision of the execution of drive system elements, such as clutches, brakes, shafts, axles, etc.,
- decisions on the technical condition of drive devices,
- measurements of clearances in reducers,
- development of technical instructions for the operation and maintenance of drive devices.
Load-bearing structures, including:
- design and supervision of the construction of platforms, girders, trusses, supports, etc.,
- decisions on the technical condition of structures.
The Institute cooperates with, among others:
Veolia Energia Łódź S.A.,
Danfoss Poland Sp. z o.o.,
Skanska S. A.,
Budimex S. A.,
Eksa Sp. z o. o.,
Wilo Sp. z o. o.,
Grundfos Pompy Sp. z o.o.,
VESBO - Poland Sp. z o.o.,
Kantherm Sp. z o. o.,
Kampman Sp. z o. o.,
Ecol-Unicon Sp. z o. o.,
Gazuno Sp. J.,
Niczuk Sp. J.,
Wobet - hydret Sp. z o. o.,
Kessel Sp. z o. o.,
Loximde Sp. z o. o.,
Urzędem Miasta Łodzi,
Zakładem Wodociągów i Kanalizacji w Łodzi.
and with:
Fabryką Urządzeń Wentylacyjno-Klimatyzacyjnych KONWEKTOR,
PPHU SAW-POL Maria Tomow,
Wolf - Technika Grzewcza Sp. z o.o.,
Deante Antczak Sp. j.,
Techneau Polska Sp. z o.o.