Przejdź do treści

Dr inż. Dorota Olejnik


Stanowisko: Adiunkt badawczo - dydaktyczny

Pokój: 14

Telefon: 42 631 35 98




Stopnie i tytuły:

  • dyplom inżyniera ochrony środowiska (1996) obroniony na Wydziale Inżynierii Procesowej i Ochrony Środowiska Politechniki Łódzkiej, temat pracy inżynierskiej - Oznaczanie stężeń krytycznych detergentów w wodzie,

  • dyplom mgr inż. inżynierii środowiska (1997) obroniony na Wydziale Inżynierii Procesowej i Ochrony Środowiska Politechniki Łódzkiej, temat pracy magisterskiej - Zastosowanie metod zaawansowanego utleniania do degradacji detergentów niejonowych,

  • stopień naukowy doktora nauk technicznych (2001)  w dziedzinie inżynierii chemicznej,  obroniony na Wydziale Inżynierii Procesowej i Ochrony Środowiska Politechniki Łódzkiej, temat pracy doktorskiej - Degradacja wielopierścieniowych węglowodorów aromatycznych w roztworach wodnych metodami pogłębionego utleniania.


Stypendia i staże:

  • VII-VIII 2001     3rd Chemical Engineering International Summer School, University of Dortmund, Department of Chemical Engineering.

  • 2001 – 2003  Marie Curie Industry Host Fellowship, post-doc position as scientist in Anjou Recherche/Vivendi Water in Maisons Laffitte.

Od roku 2007 zatrudniona najpierw w Katedrze Inżynierii Środowiska, a obecnie w Instytucie Inżynierii Środowiska i Instalacji Budowlanych Politechniki Łódzkiej.


Realizowany aktualnie projekt badawczy:

Od  2018 r pracownik naukowy B+R w projekcie: ,,Opracowanie systemu monitoringu, wczesnego ostrzegania i zrównoważonego zarządzania dla oczyszczalni ścieków minimalizującego emisję zanieczyszczeń do środowiska wodnego z obszaru zurbanizowanego” jest współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Inteligentny Rozwój. Projekt jest realizowany w ramach konkursu Narodowego Centrum Badań i Rozwoju: Regionalne Agendy Naukowo-Badawcze; nr umowy: POIR.04.01.02-00-0060/17


Dorobek naukowy:

ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5809-1214 (

Wybrane publikacje:

Liwarska-Bizukojć E., Olejnik D., Activated sludge community and flocs morphology in response to aluminium oxide particles in the wastewater treatment system, Journal of Water Process Engineering, 2020, 38,  101639  DOI: 10.1016/j.jwpe.2020.101639

This work aims at comparing the response of activated sludge on the exposure either to aluminium oxide microparticles (Al2O3 MPs) or aluminium oxide nanoparticles (Al2O3 NPs) in the activated sludge system operating in the continuous mode. It was for the first time made with regard to three issues: composition of the microbial community, morphology of activated sludge flocs and settling properties of the sludge. It occurred that the addition of Al2O3 MPs or NPs to activated sludge did not reduce either richness or diversity of the bacterial community. Proteobacteria was the dominant phylum in each activated sludge system studied, however the presence of Al2O3 MPs or NPs caused to the decrease of Betaproteobacteria and the increase of Alphaproteobacteria. The most abundant genera identified in the control run, i.e. without addition of Al2O3 particles, were KD1-23, CaldilineaDechloromonas and Pseudomonas, whereas in the runs with Al2O3 MPs or NPs these were CaldilineaPseudomonasBrevundimonasTerracoccus or CaldilineaRhodobacterDokdonellaTerracocus, respectively. It was found that Al2O3 MPs or NPs contributed to the reduction of the denitrifying bacteria representing the genera Dechloromonas and KD1-23. Regarding the flocs morphology it occurred that Al2O3 NPs influenced it stronger than Al2O3 MPs did. Al2O3 NPs made the activated sludge flocs bigger and more circular compared to those exposed to Al2O3 MPs or not exposed to any Al2O3 particles. These changes of flocs morphology influenced positively the settling properties of activated sludge and contributed to the limitation of sludge bulking.


Liwarska-Bizukojć E., Olejnik D. Effect of aluminium oxide nano- and microparticles on the functional groups of microorganisms of activated sludge, Desalination and Water Treatment, 2020, 193, s 344-351.   DOI: 10.5004/dwt.2020.25770

In this work the impact of aluminium oxide nanoparticles (Al2O3 NPs) and aluminium oxide micro-particles (Al2O3 MPs) on three functional groups of activated sludge microorganisms, that is, heterotrophic bacteria (HET), ammonium oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB), was studied. In order to describe it quantitatively, the degree of inhibition was calculated. Additionally, the values of Monod kinetic parameters and stoichiometric yield coefficients (YHET) were determined for HET. Neither the biochemical activity nor specific growth rate of HET was inhibited by Al2O3 NPs or MPs in the activated sludge system. The degree of inhibition of the bio-chemical activity of HET did not usually exceed 20%. At the same time, the biochemical activity of nitrifying microorganisms was significantly inhibited by both Al2O3 NPs and MPs that was con-firmed by the values of degrees of inhibition in the range from 42.6% to 84.3%. Out of the nitrifying microorganisms, the AOB were affected stronger than NOB. Al2O3 NPs inhibited the biochemical activity of HET and nitrifying microorganisms, particularly AOB, to a higher extent than Al2O3 MPs did. The lower values of YHET in the tests with Al2O3 NPs or MPs than in those without their addition indicated that the presence of Al2O3 NPs or MPs contributed to the decrease of the activated sludge biomass concentration.


Liwarska-Bizukojć E., Olejnik D., Delbeke E.I.P., Van Geem K.M., Stevens C.V., Evaluation of biological properties and fate in the environment of a new class of biosurfactants, Chemosphere, 2018, 200, s 561-568.

Selected sophorolipid quaternary ammonium salts (SQAS), being a new class of modified biosurfactants, were studied in this work for the first time with regard to their biodegradability and fate in the environment. It was made to find whether environment-friendly bioproducts like biosurfactants are still safe to the environment after their chemical modification. The susceptibility of these SQAS for biodegradation was estimated together with the evaluation of their influence on activated sludge microorganisms. Additionally, the mechanisms of removal of the SQAS from wastewater and from the aquatic environment, were analysed. The evaluated SQAS were potentially biodegradable, although none of them could be classified as readily biodegradable. The biodegradation degrees after 28 days ranged from 4 to 42%, dependent on the SQAS tested, i.e. below the required OECD 301D Closed Bottle Test level of 60%. Simultaneously, the analysis of the mass spectra revealed the presence of the breakdown products of each SQAS studied. Biodegradation was preceded by sorption of the SQAS on sludge particles, which occurred to be a main mechanism of the removal of these newly synthesized biosurfactants from wastewater. The mean degree of sorption calculated on the basis of SQAS determination was from 75 to 96%, dependent on the studied SQAS. The presence of SQAS in wastewater did not deteriorate the operation of the activated sludge system, although the products of the SQAS biodegradation remained in the liquid phase and might contribute to the increase of COD of the effluent to be introduced to the environment.


Liwarska-Bizukojć E., Chojnacki J., Klink M., Olejnik D.,.Effect of the type of the external carbon source on denitrification kinetics of wastewater, Desalination and Water Treatment, 2018, 101, s 143-150.

The effective denitrification in conventional wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) requires maintaining the concentration of organic carbon compounds on the sufficient level in the biological reactor. There are many so-called external carbon sources used for this purpose. In this paper, the effect of addition of various external carbon sources on denitrification kinetics was described. The tests were performed with the use of real municipal wastewater from the full-scale WWTP in Zgierz (Poland). Three external carbon sources were selected, that is, acetic acid and two yet untested commercial compounds being the mixtures of various organic and some inorganic substances. One of the commercial carbon sources was glycerine-based, while the second one alcohol-based. Apart from organic carbon both commercial carbon sources contained nitrogen and phosphorus at relatively high amounts and in the case of one of them it exceeded 1,000 mg NH4 +–N L–1. This compound had the lowest potential of denitrification equal to 0.102 mg NO3 –N mg COD–1. Although the ratios of nitrogen to chemical oxygen demand (COD) of both commercial compounds did not exceed 2.5%, which indicated that the denitrification potential of these carbon sources should not be decreased, lower rates of denitrification were observed in the tests with the use of them. When acetic acid was the external carbon source, denitrification was the fastest and its rate increased from two- to three-fold in comparison with the commercial carbon sources tested. These experiments indicated that heretofore assumed critical values of nitrogen to COD ratio for external carbon sources should be verified.


Liwarska-Bizukojć E., Olejnik D., Gałamon M., Bernat P., Adaptacja osadu czynnego do ścieków zawierających wybrane mikrozanieczyszczenia. Gaz, Woda i Technika Sanitarna, 2017, 91(8), s 340-343.

Adaptacja osadu czynnego do ścieków zawierających wybrane mikrozanieczyszczenia Acclimation of activated sludge to wastewater containing the selected micropollutants Ewa Liwarska-Bizukojć, Dorota Olejnik, Małgorzata Klink, Przemysław Bernat*) Keywords: micropollutans, EE2, DCF, 4NP, adaptation, activated sludge Summary The article presents results of adaptation of activated sludge to wastewater containing micropollutants such as 17α-ethinylestradiol (EE2), diclofenac (DCF) or 4-nonylphenol (4NP). It was found that the acclimation of activated sludge organisms to synthetic wastewater containing one of micropollutants studied ran correctly and the presence of micropollutants did not deteriorate biological wastewater treatment processes. Also, the obtained degrees of removal of micropollutants in the activated sludge system were satisfactory. They were in agreement with the values found in literature. The highest removal degrees were obtained for EE2 (93%) and 4NP (70%), while the lowest one for DCF (57,6%). Słowa kluczowe: mikrozanieczyszczenia, EE2, DCF, 4NP, adaptacja, osad czynny Streszczenie W artykule przedstawiono wyniki adaptacji osadu czynnego do ścieków zawierających w swoim składzie mikrozanieczyszczenia, takie jak 17α-etynyloestradiol (EE2), diklofenak (DCF) lub 4-nonylofenol (4NP). Stwierdzono, że osad czynny dość dobrze adaptuje się do ścieków syntetycznych zawierających jedno z badanych mikrozanieczyszczeń, a ich obecność nie zakłóca procesu biologicznego oczyszczania ścieków. Uzyskane efekty usunięcia badanych mikrozanieczyszczeń metodą osadu czynnego są również zadowalające i zgodne z wartościami podawanymi w literaturze. Najwyższy stopień usunięcia uzyskano dla EE2 (93%) oraz dla 4NP (70%), a najniższy dla DCF (57,6%).


Olejnik D., Czubakowska P., Badanie wybranych parametrów fizyczno-chemicznych wód ze studni głębinowych z terenu Łodzi, Technologia i Jakość Wyrobów 62, 2017, s 161-169.

Wody ze studni głębinowych cieszą się zwykle dużym zainteresowaniem okolicznych mieszkańców, pobierają oni wodę z tych ujęć przede wszystkim w celach konsumpcyjnych, twierdząc, że jest ona smaczniejsza i zdrowsza od dostępnej w kranach. Niestety wody podziemne mogą zawierać substancje mineralne i organiczne w stężeniach przekraczających wartości dopuszczalne dla wód do picia i na potrzeby gospodarcze. Przeprowadzone badania wykazały, że pobieranie wody z ujęć głębinowych przez mieszkańców Łodzi na cele konsumpcyjne jest uzasadnione. Należy pamiętać jednak o tym, że woda ze studni głębinowych nadaje się tylko do spożycia bezpośredniego gdyż w wyniku długotrwałego przechowywania istnieje ryzyko rozwoju organizmów mogących szkodzić zdrowiu.


Sakson G., Olejnik D., Metale ciężkie w ściekach opadowych odprowadzanych ze zlewni miejskiej jako kryterium możliwości ich zagospodarowania, Gaz, Woda i Technika Sanitarna, 2013, 87(3), s 135-139.

W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań stężenia podstawowych metali ciężkich (cynku, miedzi, ołowiu i kadmu) w spływach opadowych odprowadzanych z dachów i ulic. Otrzymane wyniki przeanalizowano pod kątem wpływu parametrów opadu na ich wartość. Biorąc pod uwagę zagrożenie dla jakości wód podziemnych oceniono możliwości odprowadzania tych spływów poprzez urządzenia infiltracyjne do gruntu.


Lodyga-Chruścińska E, Sykuła-Zając A, Olejnik D., Determination of nickel in Polish brands of margarines, Food Additives and Contaminants: Part B Surveillance, 2012, 5(4), s 251-254.

Nickel is used in the production of margarine as a catalyst for hydrogenation. This may lead to the presence of its residues in the products and could cause allergic reactions. Therefore, monitoring of this metal in foods is essential for consumers. The described liquid sampling AAS procedure allows product control. Nickel was determined in 10 brands of margarine, and only in 3 samples its content was below the acceptable limit of 0.2 mg kg(-1).


Olejnik D., Wojciechowski K., The conception of constructed wetland for dyes removal in water solutions, Chemik, 2012, 66(6), s 611-614.

Constructed wetlands (CWS) are ecological systems that combine biological, chemical and physical processes in an engineered and managed system. Successful designing and operation of CWS required a basic knowledge and understanding of the components and the interrelationships that compose the system. The aim of this work is to evaluate the possibility of application of CWS for treatment of textile wastewater. This paper is also a review of so far obtained literature data concerning dyes and dyeing wastewater treatment in CWS with the help of various plant species.


Liwarska-Bizukojc E., Olejnik D., Biernacki R., Ledakowicz S., Calibration of a complex activated sludge model for the full-scale wastewater treatment plant, Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 2011, 34 (6), s 659-670.

In this study, the results of the calibration of the complex activated sludge model implemented in BioWin software for the full-scale wastewater treatment plant are presented. Within the calibration of the model, sensitivity analysis of its parameters and the fractions of carbonaceous substrate were performed. In the steady-state and dynamic calibrations, a successful agreement between the measured and simulated values of the output variables was achieved. Sensitivity analysis revealed that upon the calculations of normalized sensitivity coefficient (S i,j ) 17 (steady-state) or 19 (dynamic conditions) kinetic and stoichiometric parameters are sensitive. Most of them are associated with growth and decay of ordinary heterotrophic organisms and phosphorus accumulating organisms. The rankings of ten most sensitive parameters established on the basis of the calculations of the mean square sensitivity measure (δjmsqr ) indicate that irrespective of the fact, whether the steady-state or dynamic calibration was performed, there is an agreement in the sensitivity of parameters.


Miller J.S., Olejnik D., Photolysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in water. Water Research, 2001, 35, s. 233-243.

The decomposition of benzo[a]pyrene (BAP), chrysene (CHR) and fluorene (FLU) in an aqueous solution by means of photolysis has been studied. The influence of initial polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons' (PAHs) concentration, pH of the reaction mixture, temperature, presence of oxygen and tert-butyl alcohol (t-BuOH) on the degradation rate has been observed. BAP and CHR are decomposed by a mechanism different than FLU. Quantum yields of the photolytic decomposition of BAP, CHR and FLU were determined and equal 0.014, 0.0031 and 0.0038, respectively.


Aktualnie prowadzone zajęcia:

  • Chemia sanitarna - laboratorium, studia stacjonarne, Sieci I instalacje w inżynierii środowiska.
  • Chemia sanitarna - laboratorium i ćwiczenia, studia niestacjonarne, Sieci i instalacje w inżynierii środowiska.
  • Zarządzanie środowiskiem - wykład i seminarium, studia niestacjonarne, Sieci i instalacje w inżynierii środowiska.
  • Biotechnologia i chemia środowiska - seminarium, studia niestacjonarne, Sieci i instalacje w inżynierii środowiska.
  • Wybrane zagadnienia z ekologii terenów uprzemysłowionych - wykład i seminarium, studia stacjonarne, Kolegium Gospodarki Przestrzennej.